Review: A Necromancer Called Gam Gam by Adam Holcombe


A Necromancer Called Gam Gam is a wonderful novella that explores loss through the adventure of a young girl on the run. When I first saw this book getting praise on social media I thought from the black cover and the skeleton and the title that it would be a horror story or something and so I ignored it for a long time. Eventually, I actually began paying attention to what people were saying about it and realized that my first impression may not have been accurate. I'm so glad I eventually checked out this cozy story set in a dark world. It's excellent.

Like many others, I've found myself searching out and enjoying cozier reads lately, but I sometimes find them lacking in depth or sometimes I'm annoyed by how they ignore certain important themes just to keep the vibe cozy. It really doesn't sit well with me when a book is set in a war zone or something and the characters have no sense of introspection on their surroundings and just ignore them - and unthinkingly participate in the things around them - while focusing on their own little 'cozy' bubble. So my favourite thing about this book is that it tackles the tough themes head on and faces them as a major part of the story, proving that you can have cozy moments and found family while telling a deep, meaningful story!

The main characters being a 12 year old girl and an old grandmother who is also a necromancer is also refreshing. And of course, many other characters make an appearance from living to dead to various types of undead characters. 

The author also does some really interesting things with the magic in the story, which I enjoyed reading. Again, not shying away from the implications of necromancy and the other branches of magic that the characters can do, but facing those implications head-on and weaving them into the story effortlessly. 

Overall, an excellent read that I would highly recommend.  


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