Top 6 Books I Read in 2023

It's a little later than I usually do this, but I've finally had a minute to look at the books I read in 2023 and choose the best ones to share with you. I may not have read that many books, but I thoroughly enjoyed the majority of them, so I get to share 5 truly amazing books with you all! Hopefully this will help you fill your TBRs and find some great reads!

Before we jump in, check out my past top books posts: 

Top 5 Books I read in 2022

Top 8 Books I read in 2021

Top 5 Books I read in 2020

Top 3 Books I Read in 2019 

Top 5 Books I Read in 2018 

Top 3 Books I Read in 2017

This year I read books from a wide variety of sub-genres! Without further ado, here are m top 6 in the order in which I read them: 

Miss Percy's Travel Guide to Welsh Moors and Feral Dragons by Quenby Olson

Genre: Historical Fantasy

Miss Percy's Guide to Welsh Moors and Feral Dragons is the second in the Miss Percy Guide series and so I went into it for the comforting, but still adventurous kind of story that I had experienced in book 1. This second installment didn't disappoint.

Read the rest of my review here. 

Daughter of the Wolves by K. S. Villoso

Genre: Sword & Sorcery 

Daughter of the Wolves, by K. S. Villoso is a fast-paced adventure-filled sword and sorcery book filled with magic and battles and shifting loyalties, and amazing complex characters. I love each dive I take into this fantasy world. Agos-agan feels real and each glimpse I get into it just makes me want to re-read all the other books and trace character paths and look at the maps of the world. 

Read my full review here. 

Sea and Soul by Shari Branning

Genre: Faerie/Romantic Fantasy

I flew through this book and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sea and Soul is about an Empath, Dylan, who lives in a world much like the modern world, but once in which Selkies, Elves, Witches, etc, are living amongst people openly and are part of the society. Because Empaths are rare and have the unique powers of being able to read people's emotions, Dylan knows that the evil witch ruling the country (and many other evil people) will want to control him, so he's been hiding his power.  

Read my full review here. 

Firebrand (Book 1: The Novice) by D.E. Olesen

Genre: LitRPG 

Firebrand: The Novice revolves around the adventures of Martel at the magical school, the Lyceum. He's older than the other new students, but he has a recommendation and a gift for magic that allows him to join at this unusual age. Although he's accepted, he has to prove himself and prove that he deserves to be there. The progression of proving himself to both himself and the other teachers and students is very well done.

Read the rest of my review here. 

Replacement (The Lost Clone Book 1) by Jordan Rivet

Genre: Sci-Fi 

Replacement follows the story of Jane, a forgotten clone in a factory-like facility where most of the others are part of larger "batches" who have been cloned/designed to take on specific roles in society. Jane is yearning and searching for "batchmates" and for answers. She wants to know who "sponsored" her to be cloned in the first place and why. To connect with her identity. This was a great, well-written read that had mystery and explored the ethical issues that arise from cloning in an entertaining way. 

Pallas Lost by Jake Morrison 

Genre: Space-Heist/Sci-Fi

Pallas Lost by Jake Morrison is a space-heist sci-fi story with excellent world-building. The first few chapters introduce several characters that eventually come together around the mystery of a mythical lost spaceship - Pallas. The way their stories came together was excellent and made for some great, entertaining reading. I want to know more about Pallas and the AI that started it all and the politics of the corporations that rule these planets so the book definitely did the job of the first in series quite well, while still telling a complete enough story of this part of the adventure.

Looking back, I really did enjoy the other books I read in 2023 so check those out too by looking at my goodreads challenge or browsing through other posts on my blog. 

If you want to discover more excellent sci-fi and fantasy with me check out my list of Hidden Gems and join my newsletterI hope you find something you enjoy reading! 


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